Hire, develop and retain
your talent in a single solution

Discover the platform

Join the 300+ HR teams that grow their workforce with Plooral

The future of work is here, but
businesses still live in the past.

Engaged talent, delivered through your automated hiring funnel, is what you need for... yesterday.

Your company is growing and you need to remain competitive, hire strategically and develop your people—making sure they want to stick around as much as you need them to.

Your HR team needs a platform that does it all.

Plooral transforms HR teams by streamlining all recruitment and talent development strategies in
one place. Save time, increase collaboration and have better control of your talent operations.

Plooral gives me a lot of important candidate information upfront, that a resume simply wouldn’t do. Recruiters can make more informed decisions about moving forward with the interview process with Plooral. It’s an easy-to-use modern platform that gets better by the day.

Tamica Sears

Executive Coach & HR Consultant, Sears Coaching

There’s the old way, then there’s the Plooral way.

We’ve been able to easily scale our entire recruitment strategy and implement our employee training process, without having to add extra operational costs. It has been a wonderful experience.

Ana Lehmkuhl


Unify teams

Unify talent acquisition and workforce development teams, processes, and strategies in one solution.

Humanize your talent journey

Offer a high-touch relationship with your applicants increasing applicant satisfaction scores and recruiting conversion rates.

Make data-driven decisions

Access real-time KPI dashboards on both hiring and talent development strategies to make data-driven decisions.

Scale your operations seamlessly

Build a continuous, scalable, and flexible workforce operation without adding additional costs to your processes.

A modern solution, for the modern workforce.

Plooral combines your recruitment and development efforts into a single platform, so you can hire and develop professionals for an ever-evolving career.